The Cohos Trail is approximately 875,000 feet long and getting longer. TCTA is an all-volunteer organization, and it takes a good deal of effort to keep the trail open and in good condition. Your donation of time to maintain the trail is critical to the hiking pleasure of hundreds of hiking enthusiasts.
If you wish to volunteer, you may use hand tools on the trail. We don’t permit the use of power tools of any kind by volunteers. We ask you to bring with you a lunch or trail snacks, plenty of water, hand tools, such as a branch lopper, Fiskar or bow saw, ax (if you know well how to use it safely), a first aid kit, bug dope and sunscreen, work gloves, good shoes or work boots, and your enthusiasm.
Many people, from young children to folks in their 70s and 80s, have donated time and sweat to the trail. Your physical effort is extremely important to the trail effort and your desire to work on the trail is always welcome.
Most work projects are one day long in duration. A few, such as building structures, may take two days.
Volunteering on Your Own
Find out how to adopt a trail to do important trail work on your own schedule.
Joining a Work Crew
If you would like to join a volunteer work crew, keep an eye on our Events page and on our Friends of the Cohos Trail Facebook Group. If you decide to come out for a day to help, be sure to bring work gloves, hand tools, wear long sleeves, long pants, bug repellent, and a hat, use eye protection, and bring at least two quarts of water and some food and snacks with you.
We work hard and get dirty, but we have fun, too. And there is no time limitation. If you decide you have had enough for the day, you are free to stop work and go home.

Old Hermit Shelter construction volunteers