You folks are rocking the mighty Cohos Trail. Lots of interest. Lots of sales of the new maps and databooks. More trekkers out on the trail than at any time in memory.

Plenty of work has been done on the new Trio Trail from the Percy Loop Camp campsite on the north flank of North Percy Peaks all the way to the Trio Pond Road where the new Pond Brook Falls Trail meets that lane. The NorthWoods Stewardship Center crews are hammering out the big swing around Long Mountain as we speak and making substantial progress.

Trail adopter Mary Sturtevant and Sam Farrington worked the Deadwater area recently, maintaining the long stretch in the backcountry of Clarksville township. They’ve made the route easier to follow out there.

Pro photographers are showing up on the Cohos Trail more and more these days, looking for new terrain to train their lens on. On the website 52 With A View, the Percy Peaks have garnered quite a bit of attention of late. And why not. Great summits each.